
Showing posts from December, 2018

Post #2 : The Start of Everything

Hello again! Konon dalam last post tu semangat sangat la kan nak mengupdate blog tapi nan hado jugak la haha. I'm now on my 34 days of berpantang, so no wonder la asyik tak sempat ja update blog kan. I got a baby to take care of, okay? ;) Ok, so first of all as the title says, nak cerita pasal the start of my pregnancy. It all started here. Turkey 💖 We went to Turkey with my colleagues as our honeymoon in March 2018. Cuti sekolah kan, so cecikgu buat apa lagi? Holiday la ye. Best tak? Best le, dapat jalan tengok negara orang kan. Last year dapat la merasa ke Beijing masa masih single, dah kahwin heret laki ke Turkey pulak. Hoho. Sepanjang dekat Turkey tu memang enjoy jalan-jalan je la, tapi penat sikit sebab masa banyak dalam bas. Ye lah, nak ke Cappadocia 10 jam, nak ke Istanbul balik 6 jam, penat weh. But so far so good, takda la rasa pelik ke tak sihat kat sana. The last 3 days kami patah balik ke Istanbul. It was freaking cold and kami tak ready pun nak se

Post #1

Hello world! I’m back blogging sebab macam rindu jugak nak menulis hehe. But for this time, I’m going to write mostly on my pregnancy journey and motherhood sebab I want to remember this my whole life and I need a medium to write.  So here goes, The Chronicles of Nadia. Fingers crossed this is not going to be just hangat-hangat tahi ayam saja deh!  Aja-aja fighting Mommy Naddy!